FTP Note, figlet release 2.1.1, 25 Aug 1994 ------------------------------------------- Note: figlet 2.1.1 is a minor revision of figlet 2.1. The files FTP-NOTE, README, chkfont.c, figlet.c, figlist and showfigfonts have been changed. All other files are identical with the 2.1 release. For those making figlet 2.1.1 available by anonymous FTP: please put the version number (2.1.1) in the filename, so that FTP'ers can know they're not getting the same program they already have. Also, for those who maintain archives of figlet fonts, please note that all of the standard fonts have been changed, as of release 2.1, to include non-ASCII characters. These fonts are the following: big.flf block.flf bubble.flf digital.flf lean.flf mini.flf script.flf shadow.flf slant.flf small.flf smscript.flf smshadow.flf smslant.dld standard.flf term.flf The new versions of these fonts can be identified by the words "figlet release 2.1" somewhere in the first few lines. These fonts are included in the standard figlet 2.1.1 package, and are also available by anonymous FTP from "ftp.isu.edu", in directory "pub/figlet/fonts/ours".